Sunday, February 28, 2010

Health Care and the Hidden Beast

"One of the traditional methods of imposing statism or socialism on a people has been by way of medicine. It’s very easy to disguise a medical program as a humanitarian project, most people are a little reluctant to oppose anything that suggests medical care for people who possibly can’t afford it." Reagan cites the failure of president Harry Truman's national health insurance proposal as evidence of the American people's rejection of socialized medicine." - Ronald Regan
A person will never forget, but a people will always forget, always swayed by the rulers of society (the media) then forgetful of the history that is evident of our only source of learning from our mistakes. There is a debate today, which I feared would land it's own special seat on the floor of the House during the President's first term. Health care the last several months has been on the mind of the American people. Despite the interruptions of global events, (earthquakes, weather) the American people continue to have the coverage of the health care bill be the main subject on their televisions and internet pages. Let me just sum up what President Obama is trying to push through the House and Senate: Universal Health Care, a government run function, with a public option, that will provide health care to those who wish to access it and cannot afford health care. There are 47 million who cannot afford health care, and as a result when help is needed, the answer to the call for help is silent. The government wishes to fix this, and help fund for those who cannot afford it.
There are a few problems with these statistics. First off, let me touch the 47 million people who cannot afford it. Now how likely is that 47 million people according to the democratic statistic include the 20 million illegal immigrants? More than likely. These illegals should not have any type of health care benefits anyway, since they are avoiding taxes and are here illegally. Their jobs are low paying, and their care is usually done through emergency room help, to where if they can't afford it, the government (that means us) picks up the tab anyway. I know those people may have had it rough in their old country, but the happiest immigrants are those who are not freeloading off of the government system, and came to the country through the proper channels, and as a result, eventually will be able to afford health care. But immigration is another issue.
Also in this 47 million category includes students. Most universities will cover students until they graduate, and so then the Democrats wish to throw at you they will be without care as they look for a job with benefits. There is a theme here. The theme is that privatized health care is expensive, and only those with descent jobs will be able to afford it. I just shopped for health care, and for a decent package, including hospital visits and regular doctor visits, health care for an adult is around $45 to $50 a month. Now I see students who have expensive cell phones, vehicles, etc. and these plans for these phones could be more than $100 a month. Now this is not a select few, this is pretty common. What if they were to surrender their internet service for their phone, or monthly text messaging bills? That is about $50-60 right there. There is your monthly payment for health care. What really is more important? Now this is more of a practical issue, and there is much more to this that we can help without the government.
"Fedex and UPS are doing just fine. It's the postal service that's having problems." - President Obama
Now, this quote makes me want government run health care why? End of statement.
I wish now to conclude with these facts found in the 1990 page health care bill. This is according to NFIB, which is a website devoted to the workforce of small businesses:

1. Employer Mandate - Research shows an employer mandate could cost 1.6 million jobs with more than 1 million of those jobs lost in the small business sector.

2. Payroll Tax Penalty - No matter how profitable or unprofitable a business might be in a given year, businesses are forced to pay this tax. The legislation requires that all employers with a payroll of $250,000 or more pay a payroll tax of up to 8 percent if they do not provide “qualified” health insurance to their employees. If an employer chooses to add a worker or increase wages, the tax rate on that employer may continue to go up. Simply put, this is a tax on job growth.

3. Pay-or-Play, Pay-and-Pay and Offer-and-Pay - The legislation establishes a confusing multi-part test that hits both employers who do and do not offer health insurance. A non-offering employer will pay a payroll tax penalty. Small businesses must 1) offer a qualified plan, as determined by a government-appointed board, 2) provide both individual and family coverage, and 3) meet minimum contribution levels, which could be more than they are already paying and can afford. If employees decline coverage and opt into the exchange, that employer is also penalized. All of these added expenses and new rules will simply lead to a greater chance that employees will not be able to keep the coverage they already have.

4. Mandated Minimum Plan with a Big Price Tag - Today, 86 percent of small businesses who offer coverage only offer one plan. Small employers and their employees want the ability to choose from a variety of affordable plans. H.R. 3200 reduces options available to small businesses. The bill gives a political board the power to determine whether an employer plan is “acceptable.” It does nothing to ensure that the new plans will be less expensive than what small employers are paying today and even requires small employers to cover certain services they are currently exempt from under federal law.

5. Exchange Limits Access to All Small Businesses - NFIB has long been a supporter of creating a simpler and more efficient way to shop for affordable insurance, like an exchange. However, this bill fails to provide guaranteed access to the exchange for employers with 21 or more employees. Providing increased access and more choices for some, but not all small business is not reform that small business can support.

6. An All Powerful Insurance Czar - The “Health Choices Commissioner” will have unbridled authority to institute rules and regulations that greatly affect small employers, including the ability to define who is and is not a full-time and part-time employee. Thresholds set forth by an unelected commissioner would be subject to continual changes, leaving small business owners in constant fear of ever-changing compliance requirements.

7. Government-Run Public Option - The public option would further compromise the viability of private insurance and would restrict choice to a single plan: the government-run plan. A reformed, private insurance marketplace can better provide businesses and employees with more affordable coverage and a sustainable choice of plans.

8. The Surtax: A Tax on Job Creation - The surtax imposes an additional tax on some businesses reducing after-tax profits at a time when small businesses are struggling to find capital. Because 75 percent of small businesses are structured as pass through entities, they pay their business taxes at the individual level. More than one-third of small businesses would face the tax. And those most likely to face this tax employ 33.5 million workers – more than one-quarter of the American workforce.

9. Jeopardizes Options That Small Employers Have Today - The legislation actually takes steps to limit the viability and use of health savings accounts (HSA) – jeopardizing a health insurance option that small business owners have and use today.

10. An Employer Tax Credit with Limited Value - While some small businesses can be helped by tax credits, the structure of the credit is critical to its successes. Under H.R. 3200, only small businesses with 25 or fewer employees would be eligible for a subsidy of up to 50 percent of the cost of health insurance for employees. Businesses that have an average annual salary per worker of $20,000 or less get the full subsidy; however, the average wage of full-time employees at businesses with fewer than 10 employees is more than $30,000, meaning that in many cases the value of the credit is already cut in half.

Let me share with you from personal experience how universal health care will destroy our nation financially, and socially. As I have mentioned earlier I have served my mission in Poland, which has a national health care system. I was sick a lot, as my companions will no doubt remember. There were times I had to go to the doctor, and if you were outside of Warsaw, depending on where you were, you were being helped in an old, rundown building, with not much privacy. Doctors did not have the tools they needed, since they could not afford it. The country is still feeling the impacts of communism, and in time it will grow past old wounds. They cannot provide nearly as well as America can provide. Why do you think when a surgery must be done, be it complex, or simple, if possible the patient is brought to America? We have the best health care system in the world. There are flaws, but only because people are trying to destroy it, and take advantage of the system. Let us remember that this bill is not to help us, but to give those in Washington more power. It is dangerous, and behind its eyes of helping the needy, there is a beast, one that will bring the bitter taste of socialism to American society. Let it not come to that, for we are much better than this. Let us be wise in our spending, and in our priorities, for if all were to do this, we would be beyond prosperous.

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